[my library of dreams]

This is my bucket list :) It is one of my favorite things, and grows constantly. It is also one of my favorite things to learn about people...you can tell a lot about a person simply by what they want to accomplish before they die!! So, please feel free to share :) 


1. Actually finish a full 40 day photo challenge
2. Be kissed in the rain
3. See a baby tiger cub
4. Take really cute engagement photos 
5. Have twins (okay, this is more of fingers crossed. let's be honest)
6. See the Disney castle at Christmastime in Orlando, Florida
7. Hold hands with my best friend :) 
8. Have my own beautiful family one day! 
9. Live a life reflecting of God's incredible grace and ultimate glory
10. Learn how to play guitar 
11. Dance to no music :) 
12. Own the entire Barnes & Noble Leather Collection
13. For my Bible to be cried on, written in, and used daily
14. Decorate my own pair of shoes 
15. Finish a 365 day gratitude journal 
16. Own a little baby husky puppy! 
17. Hang the Tree of Four Seasons on my wall
18. Visit the Harry Potter theme park! 
19. Take a picture on one of those awesome sidewalk paintings! 
20. Buy some sort of really cool Harry Potter necklace. Then wear it. All the time. 
21. Find 432 Abercorn Street in Savannah, Georgia
22. Go to an authentic, drive in movie theater
23. Kiss on top of a rollercoaster at sunset 
24. Hold a tiny monkey on my index finger! 
25. Write a song :) [preferably with someone important to me]
26. Record what I did every day for a year 
27. Use a fake name at Starbucks 
28. To fully believe in Christ complete & unconditional love, regardless of how I feel 
29. Read every book C.S. Lewis has ever written
30. See Horsetail Falls in Yosemite
31. Watch the Shining. Succeed in NOT dying from terror.
32. Put a colored streak of something in my hair 
33. Have a German Shepherd puppy! :D
34. Visit Fantasy in Lights at Callaway with the someday oneday best friend
35. Marry a hero :) 
36. Own a finch! 
37. Take one picture every day for a month
38. Also a parakeet
39. Visit New York at Christmastime! 
 40. Visit DisneyWorld during the summertime :) 
41. Take a picture on Platform 9&3/4 in London
42. Be on the kiss cam at a ball park ;) 
43. Watch baby turtles hatch on the beach
44. Read all of Ted Dekker's books! 
45. Become Facebook official 
46. Hold a baby penguin :) 
 47. Run the Color Run 
48. New Year's Eve kiss 
49. Go out to eat & pay for a stranger's dinner without them knowing
50. Spend the night in an aquarium 
51. Ride the Ziggurat Leap of Faith. GAH. 
52. Build a treehouse with my future family
53. Have a jellyfish [I never said I had to be realistic...] 
54. Go to an official South Carolina Gamecocks football game! 
55. Raise a sheep. I've wanted to do this since I was six.
56. Worship to 'You're Beautiful' live with Phil Whickam 
57. Catch a jar of fireflies :) 
58. Build a dollhouse from scratch with my daughter one day :) 
59. Learn how to surf! Or at least keep my balance ;) 
60. Learn how to drive stick
61. Go scuba diving! 
62. Also skydiving 
 63. Visit Charleston, South Carolina
64. Learn how to water ski. HA. 
65. Sponsor a child! 
66. Spend a night in the Poseidon Underwater Resort in Fiji! 
67. Go mudding.
68. Climb to the top of a lighthouse 
69. Visit all the little towns & cities Charles Martin writes his novels about
70. Spend the night on a trampoline
71. Write a love letter 
73. Go on an RV roadtrip
74. Watch the sunset from a boat deck on the water 
 75. See a shooting star! 
76. Go on a picnic in Forsyth park :) 
77. Get a Chai Tea Latte from the original Starbucks in Seattle
78. Watch the sunrise over a city skyline from the rooftops 
79. Stand under The Bean in Chicago
80. Take pictures in the Chapel of Ease ruins in Beaufort, South Carolina
81. Take a picture underneath a Japanese Cherry Blossom tree :) 
82. Spend a summer in Africa purely for the glory of God 
83. Visit the Duck Dynasty warehouse in West Monroe 
84. Have a bonfire on the beach
85. Write a secret in a bottle & throw it in the ocean
86. Go to a masquerade 
87. Swim in a lake at midnight 
88. Watch my little brother's baseball game with mystery man! 
89. Make it to a Jenny & Tyler concert :) 
90. Climb to the top of the Statue of Liberty 
91. Visit Gettysburg 
92. Have a paint fight! 
93. Finish an ENTIRE coloring book
94. Visit Tallulah Falls 
95. See the Willis Tower! 
96. Drive to the middle of nowhere & watch the stars from a truck bed 
97. Learn some french! 
98. Celebrate St. Patrick's Day in Savannah
99. Find at least 5 pieces of sea glass
100. Eat at the Salty Dog Cafe in Hilton Head 
101. Drink white hot chocolate 
102. Record 10,000 Reasons why God is good & faithful
103. Raid a grocery store & spend an entire day at the beach! 
104. Walk the river in San Antonio [mystery man can come]
105. Spend a night in the Sylvia Beach Hotel! 
106. Go on a date in downtown Columbia
107. Visit a ghost town! 
108. Visit the Shedd Aquarium
109. Hold a starfish 
110. Walk the Historic Third Ward in Milwaukee :)
111. Try ALL the snow cone flavors at Bahama Mama!
112. Tour Alcatraz and see the San Francisco skyline from the rock
113. Take a nap in an Eno (this could or could not involve a double nest Eno. just saying.)
114. Make my little girl a dress out of one of her daddy's work shirts :)
115. Ice skate at Skatefest in Savannah, Georgia
116. Be kissed underneath the mistletoe :)
117. See Imagine Dragons live & in concert
118. Kayak the Devil's River in Texas
119. Rent a treehouse at Treehouse Point in Washington!
120. Leave a super creative and welcoming sign for the Domino's pizza delivery man :P
121. Cuddle next to a campfire with the mystery man
122. Attend a real life hockey game!
123. Swim in Jacob's Well -- Wimberly, Texas
124. Roadtrip to Savannah as the sun rises :) #savannahatsunrise
125. Carve me & husbands name into the wood floor of a house we build together!
126. See Ben Rector live & in concert!
127. See John Mayer :)
128. Eat authentic New York pizza
129. Go to Edinburg, Scotland during the summer and watch the sunset late.
130. Handpick lavender (preferably in France, but somewhere else will do).
131. See the Monarch butterfly migration
132. See a bio-luminescent Maldives wave <3
133. Spend the night on a train.

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