Sooo I'm typing my blog Post on my iPod touch so this might be shorter rather than longer :P but anyways!!
God has done so much in this incredible country. Icant even begin to describe it all. Not only have we all been learning individual lessons through our own struggles and just overall spiritual and emotional roller coaster-ness (yes, that is a word), but we've learned so much about coming together as a team.
I am so unbelievably proud of all the beautiful People that God has placed in my life. Namely one of my best friends right now, whim has not only been an incredible leader on this trip, but has also been open to learning a huge lesson in humility through just letting people LOVE on him!! Also, my dear sweet roommates have just been all over the place. It's been super difficult not all being together but it's been such A huge learning experience. I feel like that's probably MOST of what this blog is :P oh schwell!!!
Anyhow. Quick little Lessony thing that I've been learning. The concept of keeping treSures in jars of clay has been huge for me this week. To hold onto things and PEOPLE loosely because they are not and never will be mine. They are always always GODS. Which is something I DEFINITELY need to remember.
I will keep my eyes always on the Lord. With Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefor my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because You will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor let Your faithful one see decay. You make known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand. {Psalm 16}
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Friday, January 6, 2012
Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm. Psalms 20: 7-8.
I've never read this verse before.
Which is kind of funny because I think I'm supposed to be at this point in my Bible reading.
So, we're currently in the week leading up to our workin-for-Jesus international Brazil traveling. And suffice to say that it's definitely been a long week. And about as many things that COULD come up, did come up. Time tables crossed, people argued, everyone was exhausted and things started getting frustrating really quickly. With all the hullabaloo, it's really easy to get discouraged and think that this whole trip just ISN'T going to work because we've all got about 10,000 different things running through our minds, and what seems like a million different situations that we need to deal with, all. at. once.
So this verse was a really, REALLY good reminder that it doesn't matter what we do. And it really doesn't help to put all our trust, all our proverbial "chickens in the basket" behind things of the world. Like our ability to complete skits. Or play songs right. Or get along with everyone on every team every hour of the day. Because essentially, it's GOD we should be putting our trust in. Because the very fact that He has us going down TO Brazil means He's got some awesome plans in store for us. And even if we do mess up, He's going to use that for His glory eventually.
Once again we're back to this concept of trusting in God. Which seems to be coming up a lot ;) But to be honest it makes sense. I mean, it always made sense. BUT. Why would we put our trust in the things of this earth? Even when the things of this earth ARE our own talents, or the dependability of our friends, when we COULD be putting our trust in an everlasting, all knowing, gracious, beautiful, wonderful, all encompassing God that knows not ONLY our past, but all the turns in the paths of our future???
Jesus is absolutely amazing. And it always seems to be the hardest, loudest, most thoughts-running-through-my-head nights that I realize this.
I've never read this verse before.
Which is kind of funny because I think I'm supposed to be at this point in my Bible reading.
So, we're currently in the week leading up to our workin-for-Jesus international Brazil traveling. And suffice to say that it's definitely been a long week. And about as many things that COULD come up, did come up. Time tables crossed, people argued, everyone was exhausted and things started getting frustrating really quickly. With all the hullabaloo, it's really easy to get discouraged and think that this whole trip just ISN'T going to work because we've all got about 10,000 different things running through our minds, and what seems like a million different situations that we need to deal with, all. at. once.
So this verse was a really, REALLY good reminder that it doesn't matter what we do. And it really doesn't help to put all our trust, all our proverbial "chickens in the basket" behind things of the world. Like our ability to complete skits. Or play songs right. Or get along with everyone on every team every hour of the day. Because essentially, it's GOD we should be putting our trust in. Because the very fact that He has us going down TO Brazil means He's got some awesome plans in store for us. And even if we do mess up, He's going to use that for His glory eventually.
Once again we're back to this concept of trusting in God. Which seems to be coming up a lot ;) But to be honest it makes sense. I mean, it always made sense. BUT. Why would we put our trust in the things of this earth? Even when the things of this earth ARE our own talents, or the dependability of our friends, when we COULD be putting our trust in an everlasting, all knowing, gracious, beautiful, wonderful, all encompassing God that knows not ONLY our past, but all the turns in the paths of our future???
Jesus is absolutely amazing. And it always seems to be the hardest, loudest, most thoughts-running-through-my-head nights that I realize this.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Robert JustcallmeJackcuzthat'llbefunandconfusing Wardle :)
Just kidding. It wasn't THAT confusing :P
Okay. So this should make classmate....14? I'm kinda sorta almost 1/2 there :P
So I'm crazy thankful this guy's so awesome. I'm thankful he's got a great sense of humor, and can pretty much always make me laugh. I'm thankful he's a talented musician. I'm thankful he's got an awesome story. I'm thankful he's such a great servant of God. I'm thankful that he always has some pretty good opinions and thoughts, even though he doesn't always share them.
I'm thankful that he has an heart for people. I'm thankful he's super loyal to his friends. I'm thankful he feels so protective over people he cares about. I'm thankful that he's part of our Impact 360 class not only because he's brings such a 'jack' aspect to it, but because that means that he's going to Brazil and God's going to use him mightily :)
I'm thankful that he's a part of room 8 ;) I'm thankful he's such a hard worker. I'm thankful that he strives for excellence in any task you ask him to. I'm thankful that he's got a pretty awesome sense of style (aka awesome tshirts!!!) and I'm thankful that he's able to encourage people without even really trying. I'm thankful that he's someone people can count on. I'm thankful for the incredible ways that he's grown as a young man of Christ even in the little time that we've been here. And it's exciting to see what God has in store for him :)
Okay. So this should make classmate....14? I'm kinda sorta almost 1/2 there :P
So I'm crazy thankful this guy's so awesome. I'm thankful he's got a great sense of humor, and can pretty much always make me laugh. I'm thankful he's a talented musician. I'm thankful he's got an awesome story. I'm thankful he's such a great servant of God. I'm thankful that he always has some pretty good opinions and thoughts, even though he doesn't always share them.
I'm thankful that he has an heart for people. I'm thankful he's super loyal to his friends. I'm thankful he feels so protective over people he cares about. I'm thankful that he's part of our Impact 360 class not only because he's brings such a 'jack' aspect to it, but because that means that he's going to Brazil and God's going to use him mightily :)
I'm thankful that he's a part of room 8 ;) I'm thankful he's such a hard worker. I'm thankful that he strives for excellence in any task you ask him to. I'm thankful that he's got a pretty awesome sense of style (aka awesome tshirts!!!) and I'm thankful that he's able to encourage people without even really trying. I'm thankful that he's someone people can count on. I'm thankful for the incredible ways that he's grown as a young man of Christ even in the little time that we've been here. And it's exciting to see what God has in store for him :)
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