Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Robert JustcallmeJackcuzthat'llbefunandconfusing Wardle :)

Just kidding. It wasn't THAT confusing :P

Okay. So this should make classmate....14? I'm kinda sorta almost 1/2 there :P


So I'm crazy thankful this guy's so awesome. I'm thankful he's got a great sense of humor, and can pretty much always make me laugh. I'm thankful he's a talented musician. I'm thankful he's got an awesome story. I'm thankful he's such a great servant of God. I'm thankful that he always has some pretty good opinions and thoughts, even though he doesn't always share them.

I'm thankful that he has an heart for people. I'm thankful he's super loyal to his friends. I'm thankful he feels so protective over people he cares about. I'm thankful that he's part of our Impact 360 class not only because he's brings such a 'jack' aspect to it, but because that means that he's going to Brazil and God's going to use him mightily :)

I'm thankful that he's a part of room 8 ;) I'm thankful he's such a hard worker. I'm thankful that he strives for excellence in any task you ask him to. I'm thankful that he's got a pretty awesome sense of style (aka awesome tshirts!!!)  and I'm thankful that he's able to encourage people without even really trying. I'm thankful that he's someone people can count on. I'm thankful for the incredible ways that he's grown as a young man of Christ even in the little time that we've been here. And it's exciting to see what God has in store for him :)


  1. This is so awesome! Thank you so much! This was some MUCH needed encouragement!!!!

  2. Please. I'm just a person God's using ;) But your super welcome. It's all very much true.
