Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tunes of Impact 360!

So, there have been quite a few songs these 7 months at Impact that have stood out (for me at least) and have memories associated with them, so since it's super late and I haven't done just a FUN blog post in a while, I figured I'd have at it!

1. All My Devotion by Kristine Mueller

I actually don't remember who the first person to bring this song up was, I think it was probably Mary Michael, but it kind of became the girls' theme song for a lil' while :) And as always, is an awesome AWESOME reminder.

2. 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) by Matt Redman 

There's not even anything to say about this song. It's our classes anthem. Our fight song. It started on the Adventure Module and has carried over pretty much into anything and everything for the rest of our time here. We sing it in worship nights, spontaneously, with guitar and acapella. <-- spelling? OH well. So yeah :) REALLY really good song!

3. Brokenness Aside by All Songs & Daughters 

I'm pretty sure this is another one of those songs that most of the class (at least the girls' 1/2) knows. I actually think of it because Beth and Jack put this together and sang it for Mary Michael on her birthday, and ROCKED it! But it is an incredible song to hear, especially when the days get longer and nights get harder.

4. She's Like Texas by Josh Abbott Band

This is more of a roommate moment :P But this was my first impression of Payton, my roommate, and for some reason this song always sticks with me when I think about that 1st week when we were all getting used to each other. So! That's what it reminds me of! Oh. And plus it's super cute. Dur.

5. Anything by Dave Barnes

For a couple of weeks, a few of us girls rode to Crosspoint Church on Sundays with David Blanchard our SLC, and he played this in the car riding up there. Just for clarification, the SONG is not called anything. I literally mean, any song by the artist Dave Barnes :D teehee!

6. You Won't Relent

First of all, this is just an awesome song. Second of all, it reminds me of the amazing Lynz Buchanan and her incredible singing voice. She basically ROCKED this song constantly in Brazil (I'm told) and she sounds beautiful singing it in America too. So :)

7. The Wobble

Yes, the wobble. Complete with dance moves. During 1st Semester a group of us took a road trip up to Mississippi College for the weekend and we got housed by some AWESOME Impact 360 Alumni + a couple of cool girls that "technically" weren't alumni, but pretty much should have been :P All that to say, we got dance instructed. & the wobble was part of that instruction.

Also, there is a video on my computer of me and my roommate DOING the wobble. Which is hilarious in its own lil' way :P

8. Broken for Love's Sake by Tricia Brooks 

This song reminds me of a long ride home from a screamo concert, in which Daniel & Tyler fell asleep in the backseat, and Kartwright, Miriam & I DJ'ed encouraging, uplifting music basically all the way home. It was a hard night and the long ride was just what some of us needed. It was kind of an emotional oasis moment, and it's stuck in my mind ever since :)

9. Stop This Train by John Mayer

This song reminds me of Brazil & Brandon Barber. Because he played it in Brazil during those chill afternoons/nights, and it just calmed me down :) Not much there, but it sticks out in my memory.

10. I'm Still a Guy by Brad Paisley

This song reminds me of our C-Group, and when we get put on Breakfast/Dinner or Lunch cleanup/setup/awesomeness crew. Because somehow no matter what this song always seems to come on. SOMEHOW :D So we sing it, and it's a lot of fun.

11. Never Once by Matt Redman

Okay. This song is super big for me because it basically kept me going at some points in Brazil. I literally blasted this in my iPod to remind myself of what truth was when I got so tired & so confused that I couldn't even think straight anymore. Than we had a day of prayer after we got BACK from Brazil and Kartwright played it on his guitar. So that's basically been solidified in my memory for all time as a song that kept me going when I couldn't go on my own any longer :) Just one more way to see Christ in unexpected places.

12. Everything Else.....

Explaining. There is SO MUCH musical talent on this campus!! So a few of the huge musical memories aren't real songs at all :D For example....

David Teston's various remixes of AWESOME dubstep songs that then make the songs even more potentially awesome.

Janae's song that she doesn't even really have a name I don't think. But she wrote it in Brazil, and Kartwright put music to it and we sang. And God worked through that in ways that were truly incredible.

My best friend writes music. He has 2 songs in particular that basically make my day every time he plays them. I'm not even sure what they're technically called (I'm an awful fan....) but they can put a smile on my face. Every time :)

London playing this piano is a huge musical memory, just in general.

So yeah :) A lot of this year is associated with music, and it's pretty much been amazing.

the end!!

to be continued....

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