^ Click on that...
I've been at CIU for almost a week, and it's been the most unexpected experience of my life. In the time I've been here, I've...
- Retaken the StrengthsFinder
- Redone the TrueFaced module
- Sang 10,000 Reasons in worship
- Watched cardboard testimonies
- Gone on late night adventures that involved sugar & good (new) friends...AND...
- Been a part of a community of Christ so much bigger than myself.
I thought I'd never find another community of friends and teachers SO dedicated to equipping young people to live, own, and love their faith and relationship with the Lord when I left Impact....and while it hasn't been EXACTLY the same (and at times is JUST enough the same to make me ache with how much I miss it) it's been an incredible blessing, and so much more than I was expecting.
BUT, classes still haven't even started yet (technically ;P) so there's still plenty of room for some UGH's and BLEH's and "WHY am I doing this to myself?!"'s ;)
Sounds like God's got you right where he wants you! :D Love you best friend!