Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Because my roommate and I do life at exactly the same time, in exactly the same way, and share so many of the same struggles and joys....I know God is providential.

Because I can meet one beautiful girl in Pine Mountain, Georgia for 2 hours, and carry on a friendship from Florida to South Carolina to the point where I claim a little sister....I know eternally based relationships beat distance every time.

Because popcorn bags explode, and professors like hilarious statuses, and New Testament notecards are used to study for Old Testament tests.....I know God has a sense of humor. And laughs at us sometimes, I think ;)

Because God can use my mistake filled life to mentor and love my friends and family....I know that His grace is amazing.

Because God can bring life-changing friends from all over the United States and stick us in one tiny town, NEVER having met one another before, and help us leave a family....I know God is POWERFUL.

Because my baby sister is someone I want to be like when I grow up....I know God continually seeks humility.

Because I can look at relationships that SHOULD be trashed and bitter and KNOW that they're not only none of those things, but growing....I know God's promises are TRUE.

and Because I can claim as some of my BEST friends people that are NOTHING like me, and know that I would be nowhere near the person I am today without their help, criticism, encouragement and leadership....I know that God's love trumps personality, preference, petty squabbles and disagreements.

In every situation God continues to reveal Himself and His personality to us....and this is a mere shadow of what finally awaits us in heaven.

It blows my mind guys. Really.

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