Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Trekking Through the South.

Well, true to form even though I was RIDICULOUSLY excited, I managed to somehow miss the first day of Blogtember. As the roommate and her boyfriend say, I blame pop culture. So we're gonna call it even, and just take a flying leap off the ledge of day two!

Day 2: If you could take 3 months off from your current life and do anything in the world, what would you do? 

If you don't know who this man is, his name is Charles Martin. I think most of the world would call him a writer, but this man has the ability to weave the story of the Gospel in such a way that people in the everyday world start looking less like normal people, and more like the image of the God they were created by. I've loved his writings and his books ever since my best friend showed him to me a year ago :) 

St. John's River in Florida

Martin's novels are written through a handful of sleepy towns scattered through the United States south of the Mason-Dixon line, and if I had 3 months and an unlimited supply of money (and probably gasoline) I'd jump in a car, grab a favorite or two, and visit every single one of them :) Just to see the quiet, dreamy places that jump to life inside the pages of his books. It's kind of a dream of mine! 

Hop on over to Story of My Life for the rest of the Blogtember prompts and to jump in the linkup! It'll be fun, I promise! 


  1. I have never read any of his books, but it looks like I need to. I love the south and I picture heaven being filled with oak trees and Spanish moss. -- I found you through the link up! :)

    1. I would SO highly suggest it :D I can't wait to drop by your blog! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Stopping by from Blogtember! :)

    I saw your name and it immediately jumped out at me! Elyse is my middle name! :) And your tagline up top sounds a lot like my 'About Me' on my blog. haha

    I've never heard of this author either, but I love traveling and places out of stories would be fantastic to visit. I have a ton that I would love to see. :)


    1. Haha always nice to meet another Elyse! My college roommate's name is actually seems we have a lot in common! ;)
      This author is fantastic, and his stories mean something...he doesn't just write to write. And I love that :)
      Thanks for stopping by girl!
