Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Ignorant Wonder

Tonight, I sit in wonder of the vast amount of things I do not know. The mountains of concepts I do not understand. The beautiful complexity of concepts that I had previously believed to be simple. 
I do not understand the gospel. I  do not even begin to comprehend my overwhelming need for a savior. I can write, type, and repeat over and over to myself the depths of my sin. I KNOW my need for salvation. But I don't believe it. I don't feel it. I have never been brought to my knees and broken by the sheer intensity of Christ's love and redemption. 
Oh Lord, break me. 
Bring me to tears at the depths of your love. 
May I be so overwhelmed with your unending grace that I overflow, so bursting with your mercies that my earthly, human vessel shatters in the wake of your glory. 
Lord, may I understand your longing. 
Lead me to believe that you long for me. That you cherish me. That you so value me that you sent your only son to take my punishment, because you would rather that than spend all of eternity separated from me. 
You have bought me. You own me, and I am yours. Yours alone. 

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